Thursday, May 22, 2008

Robo Form | Password Manager and Automated Form Fill-up Tool

Robo Form manages your different accounts over the internet. It automatically fills up sign-up and log-in forms to speed up your internet activities. This is especially useful if you take surveys from hundreds of companies, or simply have tens of accounts over the internet. It would be inefficient to fill up the registration and log-in forms one by one, so Robo Form comes in really handy. It's secure and, best of all, it's free.

This is the publisher description from Siber Systems:

"RoboForm makes logging into Web sites and filling forms faster, easier, and more secure. RoboForm memorizes and securely stores each user name and password the first time you log into a site, then automatically supplies them when you return. RoboForm's powerful Logins feature eliminates the manual steps of logging into any online account. With just one click RoboForm will navigate to a Web site, enter your username and password and click the submit button for you.

Completing long registration or checkout forms is also a breeze. Simply click on your RoboForm Identity and RoboForm fills-in the entire form for you. You no longer need to remember all your passwords. You remember one Master Password, and RoboForm remembers the rest. This allows you to use stronger passwords, making your online experience more secure. RoboForm uses strong AES encryption for complete data security. Version 6.9 improves integration with Windows Vista."

You may download Robo Form here for FREE.

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